TV-Browser for international Users

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Version vom 8. April 2006, 00:38 Uhr von Jo⧼word-separator⧽⧼parentheses⧽ ⧼parentheses⧽
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Installing additional Data-Sources

If you start the TV-Browser the first time, you will notice that it mainly offers German channels (list). If you want to change this, you have to install additional plugins that are able to load data from other sources.

At the moment you can add channels from Zap2It (US channels) or (mostly Swedish and some other European channels).


For more details about this plugin, read this short description.


For more details about this plugin, read this short description.

More help needed

If you are a native speaker, we need your help to fix the translations in the program. Please consider helping us! Please mail Bodo for details.