Dies ist eine automatisch generierte MediaWiki-API-Dokumentationsseite.
Dokumentation und Beispiele:
meta=siteinfo ⧼parentheses⧽
- Dieses Modul erfordert Leserechte.
- Quelle: MediaWiki
- Lizenz: GPL-2.0+
Return general information about the site.
- siprop
Which information to get:
- general
- Overall system information.
- namespaces
- List of registered namespaces and their canonical names.
- namespacealiases
- List of registered namespace aliases.
- specialpagealiases
- Liste von Spezialseiten-Aliasse.
- magicwords
- Liste von magischen Wörtern und ihrer Aliasse.
- interwikimap
- Returns interwiki map (optionally filtered, optionally localised by using siinlanguagecode).
- dbrepllag
- Returns database server with the highest replication lag.
- statistics
- Returns site statistics.
- usergroups
- Returns user groups and the associated permissions.
- libraries
- Returns libraries installed on the wiki.
- extensions
- Returns extensions installed on the wiki.
- fileextensions
- Returns list of file extensions (file types) allowed to be uploaded.
- rightsinfo
- Returns wiki rights (license) information if available.
- restrictions
- Returns information on available restriction (protection) types.
- languages
- Returns a list of languages MediaWiki supports (optionally localised by using siinlanguagecode).
- languagevariants
- Gibt eine Liste für die Sprachcodes zurück, bei denen der Sprachkonverter aktiviert ist und die unterstützten Varianten für jede Sprache.
- skins
- Returns a list of all enabled skins (optionally localised by using siinlanguagecode, otherwise in the content language).
- extensiontags
- Returns a list of parser extension tags.
- functionhooks
- Returns a list of parser function hooks.
- showhooks
- Returns a list of all subscribed hooks (contents of $wgHooks).
- variables
- Returns a list of variable IDs.
- protocols
- Returns a list of protocols that are allowed in external links.
- defaultoptions
- Returns the default values for user preferences.
- uploaddialog
- Returns the upload dialog configuration.
- Werte (mit | trennen oder Alternative): general⧼comma-separator⧽namespaces⧼comma-separator⧽namespacealiases⧼comma-separator⧽specialpagealiases⧼comma-separator⧽magicwords⧼comma-separator⧽interwikimap⧼comma-separator⧽dbrepllag⧼comma-separator⧽statistics⧼comma-separator⧽usergroups⧼comma-separator⧽libraries⧼comma-separator⧽extensions⧼comma-separator⧽fileextensions⧼comma-separator⧽rightsinfo⧼comma-separator⧽restrictions⧼comma-separator⧽languages⧼comma-separator⧽languagevariants⧼comma-separator⧽skins⧼comma-separator⧽extensiontags⧼comma-separator⧽functionhooks⧼comma-separator⧽showhooks⧼comma-separator⧽variables⧼comma-separator⧽protocols⧼comma-separator⧽defaultoptions⧼comma-separator⧽uploaddialog
- Standard: general
- sifilteriw
Return only local or only nonlocal entries of the interwiki map.
- Einer der folgenden Werte: local⧼comma-separator⧽!local
- sishowalldb
List all database servers, not just the one lagging the most.
- Typ: boolesch (Einzelheiten)
- sinumberingroup
Lists the number of users in user groups.
- Typ: boolesch (Einzelheiten)
- siinlanguagecode
Language code for localised language names (best effort) and skin names.
- Websiteinformationen abrufen
- api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=general|namespaces|namespacealiases|statistics [in Spielwiese öffnen]
- Fetch a list of local interwiki prefixes.
- api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=interwikimap&sifilteriw=local [in Spielwiese öffnen]
- Check the current replication lag.
- api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=dbrepllag&sishowalldb= [in Spielwiese öffnen]