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TV-Browser 3.0 RC1
Tuesday, 24 August 2010 15:46
TV-Browser 3.0 RC1 is the first Release Candidate of TV-Browser 3.0

It mostly fixes errors of TV-Browser 3.0beta2 but also contains some improvements to make the upgrade from TV-Browser 2.7.5 easier.

Download of TV-Browser 3.0 RC1

Aktuellere Daten für TV-Browser
Monday, 16 August 2010 15:16
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Ab sofort gibt es für einige Sender noch nachmittags eine weitere kleine Aktualisierung der Daten für je heute und morgen. Damit ist es grundsätzlich möglich, auch kurzfristigere Programmänderungen zu berücksichtigen. Ob das in der Praxis klappt, hängt aber auch ganz davon ab, wann und in welchem Format die Sender ihre Aktualisierungen bekannt geben. Wir können also weiterhin nicht alle Änderungen einpflegen, wie es vielleicht kommerzielle Redaktionen bieten.
TV-Browser 3.0 (Beta2)
Sunday, 07 March 2010 13:38
After a long time TV-Browser 3.0 (Beta2) is a version that comes with new features. You will find features wished countless times and also new features you wouldn't dream of. The most important new features are:
  • Presentation: The program table shows tool tips. They show which Plugin has highlighted the program, when the program ends and more
  • Clear arrangement: Long tiltle are shorten, the default information are shorter, the column width was optimized and more. Of course you are able to change this behavior.
  • State of the art: Changes for Java 6, Java 7, OpenJDK, Windows 7, Ubuntu 9.10
  • Integration: TV-Browser is now better integrated in the different platforms, so shortcuts, naming, menu position, color or other details will fit much better.
  • Performance: This version is also faster (and saves memory) than the previous version and that despite the new features.

Though some changes you may find some Plugins that won't work with TV-Browser 3.0 (Beta2). Please inform the developer of the Plugin to get a new version.

Like always TV-Browser 3.0 (Beta2) fixes bugs of the previous version, but as a beta version it may contains bugs, so this version should only be tested by users who are experienced.

But enough: To the download of TV-Browser 3.0 (Beta2)

TV-Browser 2.7.5 Final
Tuesday, 29 December 2009 10:40
TV-Browser 2.7.5 fixes one major and a few minor bugs. The major bug could prevent the german tv shows to be listed in the installation wizard.

To the complete list of changes

To the download.

Thanks, domainFACTORY
Friday, 13 November 2009 18:22
A few days ago we asked for a new Server. Our current Server can't handle the current load. Today we can anounce that domainFACTORY will help us with a server and their long hosting experience. With this new server we can continue our grow. Thanks to everyone who offered a new server.

The new server will go live in the next few days and the domains will move to it. We will try to reduce the outage to a minimum. Don't be afraid. TV-Browser will work without the main server. That's because we have many other people offering some server capacity. A list of our supporters can be found here.
