CapturePlugin - RitzDVB (Eng)

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unfinished !!!!!!!!!

Neede System:

1. Win2000 or WinXP
2. Hardware: Enough CPU for your DVB-card
3. Software: RitzDVB from this site RitzDVB Homepage
Needed CPU see Microsoft, Sun and DVB-cards producer.

For TV-Browser 1.1 Capture Plugin Version 2.03 or higher

(TV-Browser 1.1 Beta or higher)

Recording with Win2k and WinXP (also using Standby or Suspend)

Using this Skripts:
You also need the Programm "jt.exe": (Server ist often overloaded )
For the System (Windows) are the same pre-conditions like for schtasks.exe.

!! Important !! Don't use Leerzeichen, Sonderzeichen in the paths, Username or Password !!! (and edit them if they're different).

The Scripts
Copy the Scripts into the RitzDVB root path. (timer.vbs and record.vbs).

Download the jt.exe and extract it to C:\Windows\System32\ .

Installation and Settings of RitzDVB

RitzDVB can be downloadedhere: RitzDVB Homepage. There you can download it in the Downloadarea.

If you got the newest Version installed, you need to configure it.
RitzDVB is a good chose, because it can immediatly make the TransportStream available for the Dreambox or in LAN ! ((does it ?)) You don't have to convert it.

RitzDVB is also easy to use for recording in the Network e.g. to an  LAN-Harddisk!

Also the CPU-Load is with RitzDVB one of the best!
Important is to have same channelnumbers like in CapturePlugin. If not you don't can record the chosen channel.

Settings in Capture Plugin

Import the konfiguration-file "*.tcf" into Capture Plugin. Edit the Pfaths at Applikation and Variable (Important, for Win2k systemroot is c:\winnt\)
under "einstellungen" you have to write your Password and Username
and at "Kanäle" you can edit your Externen channels.

The Parameter in Capture Plugin have to be like this:

Under Applikation(WinXP):


Under Applikation(Win2k):


Under Parameter:

Aufnahme-Parameter: (Recording-Parameter)

//Nologo {variable("1")} record {leadingZero(start_hour,"2")} {leadingZero(start_minute,"2")} {leadingZero(start_day,"2")} {leadingZero(start_month,"2")} {start_year} {leadingZero(end_hour,"2")} {leadingZero(end_minute,"2")} {leadingZero(end_day,"2")} {leadingZero(end_month,"2")} {end_year} {channel_name_external} {device_password} {device_username} {cleanLess(concat(title,testparam(episode,"_",testparam(original_title,"_")),isset(episode,original_title),testparam(original_episode,"_"),original_episode))} {length_minutes} {cleanLess(channel_name)} {variable("2")} {variable("3")} {variable("4")} {variable("5")} {variable("6")}


//Nologo {variable("1")} delete {leadingZero(start_hour,"2")} {leadingZero(start_minute,"2")} {leadingZero(start_day,"2")} {leadingZero(start_month,"2")} {start_year} {leadingZero(end_hour,"2")} {leadingZero(end_minute,"2")} {leadingZero(end_day,"2")} {leadingZero(end_month,"2")} {end_year} {channel_name_external} {device_password} {device_username} {cleanLess(concat(title,testparam(episode,"_",testparam(original_title,"_")),isset(episode,original_title),testparam(original_episode,"_"),original_episode))} {length_minutes} {cleanLess(channel_name)} {variable("2")} {variable("3")} {variable("4")} {variable("5")} {variable("6")}

Under Einstellungen: (settings)

Minutes starting earlier: 4 to 15 min depending on network and daytime
Minutes stopping later : 8 to 20 min depending on network and daytime
Remind that Recording start 1 to 2 Minutes later and stop 3 Minutes earlier.
(Please test thisto see how long your system needs)

Username  : "Your Username at Windows"
Password  : "Your Password at Windows".

Anmerkung zu Username & Password:
(Password and Username müssen angegeben werden, falls you noch keinen Usernamen
angelegt habt, kann the unter Systemsteuerung and Benutzerkonten nachgeholt werden!
Unbedingt notwendig! Falls you bein Windowsstartbildschirm keine Benutzerabfrage wollt,
kann the mit dem Programm tweakui von den "powertoys für windows xp" geänthet werden.
Unter Logon and Auto Logon einfach den Haken bei "logon autom... usw" setzen
and Benutzerdamen/Kennwort eingeben. Domain ist euer computername.
Falls you euren Computernamen nicht mehr wisst. Unter Systemsteuerung and System
(bzw. Systemsteuerung/Leistung and Wartung/System)dann auf Computername klicken and abzulesen,
bei vollständiger Computername (ohne den Punkt eingeben).

Unter Kanäle
Here müssen the Kanäle mit denen in the RitzDVB-Sentheliste übereinstinmen! Wenn the Senthenummern in RitzDVB nicht angezeigt werden, kann you these in den Senthelisten-Einstellungen zur Anzeige aktivieren.

Unter Variable

1tiner skriptC:\RitzDVB\tiner.vbs
2record skript (Startet the Aufnahme) C:\RitzDVB\record.vbs
4Pfad zu RitzDVBC:\RitzDVB
5cscript.exe (VBS Compiler) c:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe
6jt.exe (Werkzeug für geplante Tasks) c:\Windows\system32\jt.exe

(Win2k Benutzer bitte the Pfade zu cscript.exe and jt.exe anpassen!!!)

Starten aus dem Suspend / Standby

Folgende Einstellungen sind bein Aufwecken aus dem Suspend & Standby Important:
1. In Bios muss the Weckbefehl für den RTC-Alarm zu einer bestinmten Uhrzeit abgeschaltet sein
2. The Suspend muss aktiviert sein and the Computer muss bein Runterfahren auch in den Suspend /Standby versetzt werden (einstellbar in den Energieoptionen)
3. Kennwort abfrage bei the Reaktiveriung aus dem Standby muss aus sein.(einstellbar in den Energieoptionen)
4. Nicht jede Hardware kann theses, bitte Testen

Computer in dem Suspend / Standby versetzen
In the Systemsteuerung unter Energieoptionen the Zeit definieren noch dem the Computer sich in den Suspend or Standby versetzt.

CapturePlugin - RitzDVB (German)